The first ingredient you should absolutely stock up on if you want to cleanse your body of toxins is turmeric. Its main ingredient is curcumin, which is an effective antioxidant substance. For this reason, regular consumption of turmeric can protect us from oxidative stress. This spice also shows anti-inflammatory effects.
Aloe vera
The most valuable part of aloe vera is, of course, its pulp, which is a veritable wealth of vitamins and minerals that play a key role in the body’s detoxification process. By consuming aloe vera regularly, we support the processes of removing toxins from our kidneys and liver. The mucilaginous substances have a positive effect on the removal of deposits in the intestines. Aloe vera contains various vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, as well as unsaturated fatty acids, lignins and saponins.
Green tea
Green tea is an extremely rich source of antioxidants, catechins and also polyphenols. What ingredients can be found in a glass of green tea? These are mainly tannins, alkaloids, lipids, amino acids, and theine, but also vitamins, especially those of the A, C and E groups.
Activated charcoal
The topic of taking activated charcoal as an effective method of combating toxins lingering in the body is steadily gaining in popularity these days. It owes its extraordinary effect primarily to its strong absorbing properties, enabling toxins to be effectively expelled from the body while preventing them from spreading and doing further damage. Taking a portion of activated charcoal can also become helpful in cases of food poisoning.
The list of ingredients and foods that significantly support and accelerate the detoxification process of the body certainly could not lack water. It is responsible for ensuring that all processes in the body take place correctly. For this reason, it is essential to ensure that you take in at least two litres of water every day.
Dietary supplements – which ones are the best?
It should also be remembered that food and water are not everything. It is also worth supplementing your diet with supplements that contain ingredients that support the work of the whole body. Dietary supplements worth having include, for example, PURIFICATION capsules from Your Secret Is. They contain thistle extract, a plant which has been known for many years for its beneficial effects on health, particularly when it comes to detoxifying the body.