The time that the show’s fourth season 4 included Peter Ballard, it was playing the quiet role of Eleven’s only friend at Hawkins Lab. Since he was an organized person, his proximity to the children was a the first-person view of Eleven’s treatment from her siblings as well as glimpses into her vulnerability and isolation.
Eleven was different than her siblings, being more timid and reserved in her capabilities, but Ballard, portrayed by Jamie Campbell Bower was aware of her potential and offered his assistance in assisting her to harness the potential to use it to her advantage. When he advised her that drawing on the emotional recollections of past traumas could help her, Eleven put his advice to the test and got astonishing results then later, she witnessed Papa having him punished for his deeds. The jealous siblings of her became more cruel and sinister and ensconced her in The Rainbow Room and punishing her for shameing Two and pushing her to the point of a cliff which she couldn’t come from.
What was the method Peter Ballard Use Eleven?
The Hawkins Lab, it was very difficult for Eleven to not feel isolated. Eleven still remembered visits to her lab by her mother even when Papa claimed she passed away when she gave birth to her. She was apathetic to her siblings who seemed to be able to show their talents to the point that they earned Papa’s praise. When Ballard began to observe her, he noticed her power that she was hiding and began to become near to her. While the two started talking concerning One, Ballard confirmed that One wasn’t a myth but was a person who was too powerful to allow Papa to manage. He was able to draw his power from memories that brought him sadness and caused the pain of his family, prompting her to try it herself. Ballard was a reminder of her father and mother’s lies which she later resorted to in her training sessions alongside her siblings to take on Two.
Papa noticed the increase in her power and reprimanded Ballard who was watching as she took advantage of her free moment at the Rainbow Room. Ballard was later seen plotting with Eleven to get away together she told her Papa was not going to assist her as her siblings attacked her again. He said that Papa was in fact urging to take her down, and he was determined to aid her escape to safe haven. After handing her ID card and persuading her to get rid of the chip that was suffocating his power, the truth of Ballard’s motives became evident.
After Ballard employed his powers to kill almost everyone in the lab including the other kids, Eleven confronted him for lying to her. Ballard told her that he was against humanity and wanted eliminate every piece of it. And he was looking for Eleven to unite her power in order to complete this mission. Eleven turned him down since she was not looking to become an enigma.
How Did Peter Ballard Become Vecna?
When Ballard propositioned Eleven to join him, he pointed out that they were the same. Together, they could make the world a perfect place by destroying humanity. When Eleven refused to join him, he turned his power on her. Throwing her around the room, Eleven’s life began flashing before her eyes as he lifted her up and began twisting her body and breaking her bones. Empowered by her own sadness and rage, Eleven fought back, mending her own bones and gathering enough power to throw Ballard through the observation wall across the room.
She then burned Ballard to ash, disintegrating him. However, he was caught in the vortex of the Upside Down, which began to torturously reshape him, in much the same way he had used his power to torment and reshape others. The final, horrifying shot of Vecna revealed the 001 tattoo on his wrist, a manipulation of his own body and memory not unlike what he’d done to others when he was younger. Exactly how he grew and regained the power to continue carrying out his plot to destroy humanity from the Upside Down remains a mystery, perhaps to be revealed in Season 4, Volume 2, which airs July 1 on Netflix.
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