All major networks, including EE returns and Vodafone, have now reintroduced controversial EU roaming fees. Now they are joined by another provider.
Millions of UK mobile phone users are already paying extra for roaming charges to Europe. Companies such as EE and Vodafone add around PS2 per daily to their bills for making calls, sending text messages, and using data abroad. Tesco Mobile, another popular provider, has announced that it will be introducing roaming fees starting next year.
Tesco Mobile quietly changed its terms and conditions earlier this month. This is a dramatic change, as Tesco originally stated that it would not bring back the unwanted charges.
Anyone who has upgraded to Tesco Mobile after June 16th will be affected by the update.
You can expect higher bills when you travel to Italy, Spain, and France if you are a member of this group. Tesco Mobile charges no flat fee to access foreign services, unlike other networks like Vodafone, EE or Three.
Instead, customers are charged for their use. Users can expect to pay 10p per megabyte when they surf the internet.
A text message will cost 20p, while calling will add 55p to your monthly outgoings.
Tesco sent ISPreview a statement saying that they will continue to offer free roaming throughout the EU and beyond for all customers. This includes 48 Home From Home destinations. We are committed to providing great value for our customers in a way only a supermarket can. We can now invest in new Tesco offers at a time when household budgets are becoming more difficult.
EE:EE adds PS2 to your bills every day. Customers can then access their UK allowance.
EE confirmed that the update will not affect existing customers or new customers who have upgraded their SIM plans or phones after July 7, 2021.
O2 Any O2 SIM holder will be subject to a fair usage policy that requires them not to exceed 25GB data while they are out of the UK.
The user must stay within the limit. If they do, there is nothing to be paid. However, if you start watching back-toback movies during your two-week vacation, things can get expensive.
This is because an additional charge of PS3.50 for each 1GB of data will be added to your bills. A full HD movie is approximately 4GB in size, so one night of watching a movie will run you PS14.
VODAFONE Like EEE, Vodafone also charges PS2 per day. Anyone who takes out a SIM or smartphone plan with Vodafone after August 11, 2021 will be subject to the new fees.
The firm offers 8- and 15-day passes that can be pre-purchased for PS1 per day. This is an added bonus.