What does Dudley feel about Moray’s behavior towards the end of the Series 1?
Matthew McNulty : Dudley simply wants to do the right thing , and Moray getting married to Katherine was a perfect example of an ideal choice, however, he has this unwavering devotion to Moray due to their long-lasting relationship.
He is aware his Moray loves Denise and he realizes this is exactly the reason Moray did, but he’s now left with the mess and even more responsibility.
It’s been one year between the conclusion of series one and series two began. What’s changed for Dudley during that time?
Moray is leaving to Paris Moray has left for Paris Dudley is in charge of The Paradise for the Glendennings and it’s not going very well, as the popularity in The Paradise is down to Moray’s charisma, and Dudley isn’t able to match the same charisma. The Paradise is in its final feet and Dudley has a plan in place to revive it somewhat, but it’s not going according exactly as planned. But then Moray returns.
What do you think Dudley like his latest position?
There’s no other choice than to go on. He’s lost his best friend, and lost the identity of The Paradise so he’s a somewhat irritated. He’s faced with the aftermath of what transpired after the conclusion of the first season. He’s feeling pressure at the beginning of the second series. However, he’s a grafter and it’s time to be able to. He’s the manager of the shop, but doesn’t have the requisite skills.
Is he happy to have Moray returning?
Absolutely, it’s a major satisfaction for him, in particular, since he’s got his most trusted friend back. However, Dudley is cautious about it as it’s not normal to the Glendennings to ask Moray to come back, and like every other time, he’s a bit very cautious. That’s the matter Dudley is all about. He is protective of Moray and what could befall him however, Dudley wants things to go right and wants things to be done correctly, which is why it is his goal to win over the Glendennings.
What do you feel about Dudley think about Jonas appearing again?
Initially, he’s irritated by the situation, but he believes there’s some shady business. Jonas was buried under a fog of murder, and the last thing he wants is to repeat that experience. It’s enough that the Weston’s have taken over and appear to have something to do with Moray. If Jonas shows up, it’s ten times worse than that, making the entire situation more risky. He doesn’t want him to be there. He eventually sees Jonas’s true side. Jonas and they’re on the same page However, that isn’t the case all through the course of the show.
Discuss Dudley’s romance in the second series. Is there a hint of a relationship?
It was enjoyable to play. Dudley is a straight-laced gentleman of integrity. So when Clemence is introduced, this beautiful young, adventurous girl comes from Paris is a shock to his world. Dudley’s integrity was never doubted until he is entangled for Clemence, a Parisian beauty. His entire character and ethics are called into doubt because he let himself wander off to places which he shouldn’t. He allows himself to be caught up in a trap and then get his hands hooked! It was fun because it’s an aspect of Dudley that you don’t imagine seeing. And when I read the story, I knew it would be a lot of fun to play with Dudley. It’s normal to are aware of what to expect from Dudley so when this story occurred, it was quite an unexpected. I enjoyed it.
What is the public’s response towards Dudley been? Was it what you were hoping for?
My experience is that everyone were awed by Dudley. Dudley isn’t a bad guy. Dudley I believe that many have tied him into their hearts. Many of the older generation have a love for Dudley!
Was the response towards The Paradise Series 1 what you had hoped for?
When you saw the magnitude of the project, you could see that it could be successful and, from the view figures as well as the people you’ve met in the streets, no one has complained about it. It’s pleasing.
How did it feel to play Dudley?
It’s simpler because you are familiar with the role , and this time I feel more at ease, as I can easily tap into the character. In the episode where Dudley is enticed, it was a good direction to take and reveal a new face of Dudley. I’m getting to know him better.
What was it like to be together with the crew and cast and also to see the new cast members to join?
It’s entertainment, it’s a good job, and we get along very well. Emun is great in making me laugh, and with Ben joining the show in the present, I’m certain that they’ll try their best to amuse me because I’m not good at not laughing when I’m in certain situations. The cast has a wonderful chemistry and the new team are just settling in.