The M62 is an autobahn that runs through the northern part of the UK between east and west. It connects many of the major cities of the north which include Liverpool, Manchester, Warrington, Hull, Huddersfield, Halifax and Leeds.
Total length of 107 miles and it gives access to various other motorways that are major. Motorists can access M57, M602, M57, M6, M60, M602, M66, M606, M621, M1 or M18 by way of the series of junctions that are located on the M62 and M621, which really is a entrance to the main north cities.
Strangely enough, the M62 begins with Junction 5. There is no junction 1 2, 3, or 4. This is due to the fact that it was initially planned to allow the M62 to begin in the middle of Liverpool creating an urban motorway through the city. However, plans changed later on. The M62 is comprised of 34 junctions rather than the 38 originally planned.
The most notable landmarks along the route of M62 are Stott Hall Farm, which is situated near the centre of the road between junctions 22 and 23 , and the M62 traffic passes through it from each side of the road. Contrary to popular opinion it is not due to the fact that its owners opposed construction, but due to the fact that the land was believed to be too steep to allow the motorway lanes connect. Instead the six lanes, three per side – run around the farm.
There is also a stretch of the motorway between Manchester and Leeds which runs over the Pennines and can reach over 300 meters above sea level in some places.
Worst Junctions on the M62
If you frequently drive on the M62 motorway and know the M62 traffic can become extremely crowded, especially in certain zones. Make sure to plan your trip by keeping an update on traffic conditions for the M62 so that you can be ready for congestion and tailbacks. Avoid these whenever possible. The most frequent intersections along M62 include: M62 include:
Worsley Interchange
This is where M62 traffic combines with M60 traffic. It’s the most popular road connecting to the city centre , so it can be very crowded, especially at peak times.
Junctions 18 and 29
The stretch of road that runs between Manchester to West Yorkshire is considered one of the busiest areas in the UK So you should expect slow traffic at certain locations in this area.
There are long waits on M62 this morning.
Traffic alerts have reported queues of traffic both ways starting from Chain Bar to Gildersome.
There is congestion on Ainley Top for eastbound traffic as well as to the Lofthouse Interchange on the westbound carriageway.
There are delays also on the A650 when drivers choose alternative routes.
The reason for the congestion is road construction, and the time to travel is about 30 minutes.
There are two lanes shut due to a damaged down lorry in the westbound carriageway, which runs between Tingley as well as Gildersome.
Lanes 1 and 2 of three, have been closed.